Hi everyone!
If you've visited my blog in the past then you'll notice that I've had a bit of a restructure- by that I mean I have wiped clean all of my old posts. Why? Because as much as I loved writing about day to day fashion and beauty, I realised, is my blog actually really giving you all what you're looking for? Probably not, because since you're here reading this them I'm guessing like me you love fashion and hope to one day work for a magazine or for big brand names. For this reason I will now be dedicating my blog to all of you who are finding it really hard to break into this competitive industry, whether you want to know the right course to take to get you there or how to land that internship you really want.
I'm not pretending that I am anything of an expert in the fashion world (i'm still a waitress!) but I am working my hardest to land my dream job at a fashion magazine. For this reason I will be blogging to you about my struggles, what I learn, and how I'm working my way to my goals. Is it like the blind leading the blind? Probably, but if I can help even one of you reach your own dream position then my mission is complete.
Keep checking back because I promise this will be one entertaining ride!